Quick note about this blog

Saturday,June 21 ,2008

On my journey as a blogger and webmaster and all blogs and websites I have, this is the one that has less content. The reason is very simple, I have seen many bloggers that writes every day at least two or three post per day but this is because the topic they write. It is not the same write about neural networks and artificial intelligence than write about a movie review or how to get traffic among other topics.

Neural networks is a very tough topic because is difficult to understand but also it is very interesting. Most technologies are using artificial intelligence technologies as they main core of application.

This blog is about the practical part of the main site http://www.learnartificialneuralnetworks.com where you can find simulators, projects, articles among other topics. So if you see that I have to few content here, do not desperate, remember this a complex topic and we must have patience.

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