Neural Network software


Sharky Neural Network software from SharkTime

Sunday,June 06 ,2010

Today I received an Email from software developer of, and as hundreds of emails I receive daily; I finally receive something worthy to share with my readers. This is Sharky Neural Network, software that allows you to play with neural network development.... Read more

XML based neural network processing language

Sunday,June 06 ,2010

While surfing the Internet I found an interesting utility: A Neural network trainer based on XML. The system is quite useful because the portability of the language and generally you don’t need deep knowledge about neural networks.... Read more

NeuroXL Classifier neural network software

Monday,June 07 ,2010

Regarding to data organization, a good classification is always needed. By default, Microsoft Excel is our main software for data clustering. However, there are some occasions in which our data need to be classified. This used to happen during data recollection when our collecting system does not work as an organization system. On most of the cases, we have to hire extra people to organize this data.... Read more