XML based neural network processing language

While surfing the Internet I found an interesting utility: A Neural network trainer based on XML. The system is quite useful because the portability of the language and generally you don’t need deep knowledge about neural networks.

The system itself has the capacity to do artificial intelligence tasks and also it allows storing the information in a set of XML files. The trainer is a library for visual studio .net, so you can implement it according to your software necessities.

Here some advantages and disadvantages.


  • High portability: XML is a simple programming language easy to implement.
  • XML is a language that can be used on the web. You can generate web based applications.
  • You don’t need neural network background, but you need to understand the basics of neural networks.


  • The system can’t be applied to other systems that require high efficiency.
  • Zero binary compatibility: the information is stored on text files.

Download required project files
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I strongly recomend to go to the autor werbsite for further information and deep explanations.

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